The goal of any flashlight is pretty simple: light up a dark environment. Some flashlights do it better than others. The Rayovac RWP123A-B, which is nicknamed “The Beast,” does a fantastic job of this. It offers two basic settings: high ...
Review: BlueFire 1200 Lumen Adjustable Aluminum Flashlight
Many tactical flashlights claim to offer a variety of functionsbut fall short in practical applications. This truth is enhanced when you’re looking at budget-friendly entry-level models. The BlueFire 1200 lumen adjustable aluminum flashlight, however, is built from a different mold. ...
Review: Maglite ML300L LED 3-Cell D Flashlight
When you’re looking at the best and brightest LED flashlights, many tend to be lightweight all-environment models. The goal of the flashlight is to be as versatile as possible and packed with tons of features. The Maglite ML300L LED 3-cell ...
Review: Hausbell T6 LED Flashlight Torch
Can you expect good things from a flashlight priced under $10? Is it possible to receive a steady stream of smooth light from a cheap flashlight? The Hausbell T6 LED flashlight torch comes in a 2-pack at a price that ...